Monthly Archives: August 2012



Posted Friday 10th August 2012 04:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
CHAOS in a GNUtshell ……. and just what IT Needs to Feed and Seed with AI for Fab Fabless Futures
Morning, GCHQ,
This is an interesting line from the G-Cloud Services Call-Off Agreement Terms and Conditions ….. “Process the Customer’s Personal Data only to the extent, and in such manner, as is necessary for the provision of the G-Cloud Services or as is required by Law or any Regulatory Body” …….. when/if one considers there is no Law or recognised Regulatory Body in the Virtual Space Platforms of the Cloud Environment, although on can easily imagine why Governments and Customers attracted by services floated as being competently provided by G-Cloud Services Suppliers would wish it to be pimped and thought so.
Unfortunately, although in an existing system of provided services which are riddled and sytemically vulnerable to perverse and subversive corruption and simple monetary inducements, is a radical refusal and non-acceptance of traditional Law and Regulatory Body norms, not a misfortune, would those wishes be best ignored, and which they most certainly will be by those with an active competence in the field and in the fields to be supplied and provided for …… created and tendered/fueled.
It would appear that the present UKGBNI administration is Out-Sourcing with Invitations to Tender, Intelligence for Growth and Prosperity, with the Plan G-Cloud Framework Agreement Program. Competent Providers of  Services will then be a position of lead with Government and Governments following and supporting supplied programs and services, which given the current parlous global economic state of disastrous affairs, could herald a new dawn and fresh beginning with Virtual Provision of Services to be Realised for the Creation of New Orderly Worlds from Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Command and Control of Computers and Communications from Creative CyberSpace in Live Operational Virtual Environments.

Posted Friday 10th August 2012 09:30 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Re: CHAOS in a GNUtshell … and more specific strategic info and/or intelligence for GCHQ too, GC

Let it be hereby Registered by SMARTR Advanced IntelAIgent Services with Special Access to Programming Projects with Office of Cyber Security & Information Assurance facilities/capabilites/utilities, that the above mentioned Virtual Provision of Services to be Realised for the Creation of New Orderly Worlds from Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Command and Control of Computers and Communications from Creative CyberSpace in Live Operational Virtual Environments, is a Future Product Placement Programming Project in AI and HyperRadioProActive IT Fields of Virtually Secure and protected Engagement for Alternative and Augmented Reality Gaming, and for Main Streaming Media to Channel and Deliver as New Surreal Present Productions to replace Dodgy Current Power Establishments/Team Elite Arrogant Maladministrations, thus to provide for failed former media and intelligence services participation in Future Reality ProgramMING Projects Delivery.

cc. James Quinault. …..

amanfromMars 10 August 2012 at 5:55 am    …. on
Religion is faith based, whereas church is cult based? Or are all of them aberrations of the mind based upon figments of imagination?



amanfromMars  … on
Ladies and gentlemen of the Economist comments boards, you need to be aware of considerably more than is likely to be told to you by the mainstream media, in order to be able/enabled to handle the changes which virtual technology is putting in place for command and control of the present with future powers which are sublimely manipulative of hearts and minds, even if those changes are only able to be delivered by a few rather than many more to the masses.
It is as well to consider the lead-in article on this 0Day entry from yesterday, for it does not tell anything which is false and untrue, I Kid U Not ……….
amanfromMars …. on
Thanks for all of that mould breaking info/intelligence, Wade. It is good to hear that not all are content with things as they are, whenever they can and need to be better in Beta Virtual Programs, …. SMARTR Future AI Works in Immaculate Stealthy Progress.

Similarly, in a content-centric network, if you want to watch a video, you don’t have to go all the way back to the source, Lunt says. “I only have to go as far as the nearest router that has cached the content, which might be somebody in the neighborhood or somebody near me on an airplane or maybe my husband’s iPad.”

For leading original novel content-centric networks though, in order that one can lead in a CHAOSystem*, one will always need to feed and seed a direct, and ideally exclusive connection to source, to ensure there is no conflict and cross interference with competition or opposition, although it is as well to consider that in such networks, is it  the nature of the leading original novel content itself, which sublimely delivers all of that effortlessly and invisibly and anonymously..
Words Shared Create and Control Worlds in and for Worlds in Control of Creation with Shared Words ……. which is a Fabulous Fact and an Outrageous Fiction which does not Suffer Fools to Use and Abuse and Misuse ITs Tools.
* Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems
amanfromMars  …… on
One does wonder at the competencies of the Telegraph in these new ages of virtual communication, …. which extraordinarily render the deep dark hidden truths that are squirreled away from public view and recognition with the plastic fig leaves of arrogantly conceited and cynically manufactured concern for national security in order to try and protect deserving individuals from personal exposure and international accountability to a more accurate pariah status as opposed to wannabe hero ……. that its free choice to give the oxygen of publicity to a such a divisive figure responsible for acts which apparently Chilcot are advised to be as good little children and do as they are told and not report on, rather than as they would wish and as the nation would expect of them ……  to start to restore some credibility and inject some new life into an obviously perverse and admittedly systemically corrupt system which tries desperately and vainly to keep secret from all peoples of the world, vital and critical information pimped as being of significant value but now most reasonably suspected, in the blinding light of hindsight and missing evidence, of being right dodgy and invented fictions conceived on a sofa for media moguls to print and mislead populations in a conspiracy of epic and enigmatic global proportions.
It just aint good enough, Telegraph.  The truth we can all handle, it is deceit which causes all manner of escalating problems, which in these new times with surreally protected virtual places and spaces for spontaneous information and instantaneous intelligence exchange, explode catastrophically into reality for some with a strange bent, just whenever one least expects them to and needed and fervently wished them not to, in order to escape one’s just desserts and/or toxic medicines.  That however is the revised nature of Great Intelligence Games Play and AId Default Virtual Machine Server Service in SMARTR ARG MetaPhoria.
Please try a little harder to keep up with the chat and chatter and programming on NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and  AIR&dDevelopments in Live Operational Virtual Environment fields/Augmented Reality Generations, Telegraph, there’s a good chap.

NB …… A Sister Post, which should not be confused with any Remote Spooky Cousin in a Remote Controlled SISter Post, to the bold info share mirrored earlier here too ….




amanfromMars on August 8, 2012 at 3:07 am said: ….. in a comment on
Is it here realised, that Gulliver’s Postscript is a metaphorical tale of a Vatican Bent and Papal See. And a very APT and highly accurate one, too.
amanfromMars  8 August 2012 at 9:19 am     ….. on
Hi, Brian and Mick,
The current future information and intelligence exchange environments are considerably more nuanced and advanced [simply complex to an immaculately secured, perfectly protected degree] than are able, or is necessary to disclose and expand upon, to be accurately and fully covered and reported upon by any present and/or traditional establishment means, and what they encounter will not be at all dissimilar to that which is freely shared and revealed to all with a need to know and/or an interest in knowing all headlining the lead in 0day post here, dated ….. 120807
Which apparently in some curious fields of research in development is a great alien landing day for remote space control of smart robotic metadata/mining machines, primed full of dumb simple human tasks with basic programming awaiting a systems upgrade before its work, rest and play cycles begin.
What could possibly go wrong with such an horrendously long communications chain/link?



Hackers are becoming more sophisticated, too. Last year was the year of the “Advanced Persistent Threat,” or A.P.T., a computer attack in which hackers spend time researching a target and its intellectual property, figuring out who has access to it, and deploying any means necessary to steal it.
RSA was the victim of such an attack last year. So were the military contractors Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman. Speaking at a security conference last year, Timothy McKnight, Northrop Grumman’s chief security officer, said the company was fending off several such attacks a day.
“The vast majority of companies have already been breached,” Shawn Henry, the F.B.I.’s former top computer security official, said in a recent interview. “I’ve looked at all sectors and the depth, penetration and breadth of these attacks are substantial.”
The bulk of the attacks go undisclosed, either because companies don’t know they have been hit or because they fear what disclosure will mean for their stock prices. But the attacks that have surfaced have become headline-grabbing events, exposing the vulnerability of technology firms, government agencies and the security companies that people assumed were well protected. ……..
Actually, that is only the tip of the iceberg and what you may need to realise in order to be able to do anything about it with IT and Media Means and AIMemes, [and in those few words are truly helpful clues about what you would need to employ and/or deploy to even begin to be effective with a defence immune from attack and infiltration] is that the much more seriously sophisticated code cracker and purer ethical hacker well versed in research of the A.P.T. window/vector/portal, is not at all interested in stealing everything that is then known, but in developing way beyond the reach of any and all competition and opposition, a pretty good private and smarter renegade pirate, absolute power control of command in the broad band fields of virtual engagement/cyberwarefare, [which the intellectually challenged and security deficient most probably only visualise and try to verbalise as cyberwarfare, which is just them lobbying crazily to maintain the feathering  of their luxurious cuckoo nests and failing personal and private financial agendas/collapsing policies and discredited dodgy programs] and in selflessly sharing the rapidly expanding and new highly developed and seriously sophisticated novel levers for new developments in virtual world leaderships with …….. well, putting it quite simply in IT terms which reveal especially complex and radical realities, Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications, for then does one have all that is needed for the seeding and feeding of all that is needed.
And ignoring and/or opposing such, is a destructive peril which actively exercises and visits itself upon the truly fooled and decidedly foolish, the both arrogant and ignorant to an exalted degree.
Posted Tuesday 7th August 2012 06:53 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
What Global Operating Devices do for your Living in Live Operational Virtual Environments
An AIRegisterD Mission for Alien Life and Augmented Reality Games too …. Giving you something really weird and virtually strange to think about and realise is possibly not a true and accurate depiction of a virtual reality … a staged post actuality …… thus to peak and pique and reprogram Curious IntelAIgent Operating Systems for Prime Primitive Human Virtual Machine Use incapable of Current Misuse and Power Abuse in Beta Future Projects with SMARTR ProgramMING Assets.
Proprietary Intellectual Property Supply and Patents Pending although one is free to make great personal and private and mutually beneficial public use of all that one needs and finds in a search through the ProgramMING Games Portfolio.
Posted Monday 6th August 2012 16:37 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
System Terminal Meltdown …… Ponzi Capital Collapse
Don’t believe anything official you hear because ………. Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, has said that official economic data may mask the “struggle” that many Americans face,..Debt Crisis
And you can bet your bottom dollar that the situation is always a great deal worse than it is ever admitted … or not admitted.
5 years on from the systems collapse and what has changed? Apart from nada/zilch/nought and greater mountains of toxic debt, that is?

Posted Monday 6th August 2012 19:19 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Re: System Terminal Meltdown …… Ponzi Capital Collapse

And who said the system isn’t rigged and run to anonymous crazy orders from the psychotically delusional, aka the fiat currency/virtual money power brokers whose operating systems are hacked and cracked wide open ……..

In the 27-page complaint, the New York State Department of Financial Services said that Standard Chartered showed “obvious contempt for US banking regulations” and pointed to an email reply from a bank executive director to a New York branch officer.

“Who are you [Americans] to tell us, the rest of the world, that we’re not going to deal with Iranians,” the complaint quotes the director as saying.

Standard Chartered said: “The group is conducting a review of its historical US sanctions compliance and is discussing that review with US enforcement agencies and regulators.

“The group cannot predict when this review and these discussions will be completed or what the outcome will be.” …..

And the problem is not one of a few rotten apples in the barrel, it is one of rotten barrels of apples. Comprendez?  And is it ignorance or stupidity which help you to disbelieve that simple obvious truth? Or is it something else you would care to dare share to explain your dependence on that which so easily destroys you with its manipulation.




Great Game Play …… Non State Actors Rules  ….. with a passing nod to Cotonou rules of engagement
Date: Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 5:05 AM
Hi John,
It is as well that as many folk as possible know of what is transpiring in cyberspace for command and control of the human hearts and minds mined field. Spooky DARPA/IARPA type territory which can be plausibly denied by them as being anything that they control, although it may be a step too far from belief to have them deny that it is an area of extreme interest and endeavouring curiosity, because of the undoubted advantages and benefits that ensue and accrue/flow and strengthen.
With regard to the information provided from the webpage …. ….. and thanks for the narratives …… it is wise to consider  the following, which as far as anyone may know and therefore not know, because of live current security, peace and order considerations, may be an already mounted critical probability power event against which there is no possible effective defence or attack.

National Security Agency Director Gen. Keith Alexander speaking about cybersecurity and the new threats posed to the U.S. economy and military at the American Enterprise Institute July 9, 2012 in Washington, DC. said that in cyberspace ‘the probability for crisis is mounting,’ and that now is the time for putting into place strong policies and rules for operations and defense.

And who and/or what would such strong policies and rules for operations and defense of, and in cyberspace, be directed against/with/to? And what undoubted advantages and benefits would be offered to ensure that any and all efforts and expenditures and intellectual credibility are not scuppered and lost irretrievably …… and further tuned beyond remote economic and military controls and turned against their hosts to exploit cyber vulnerability advantage to the greater mutual benefit of what would then be surely recognised as seriously smarter virtual terrain team players about which nothing would be generally known because of national, international and internetional security and dodgy classified information protection interests?



amanfromMars on August 5, 2012 at 2:19 am said: …. on
That was a darned good read, AW, full of hearts and souls with tales of what was and is, can and will be.
And that which is defined and confined at the holier than thou 33rd degree, is as nothing and a royal and ancient delusion and illusory power grab without Command and Controlling IT in Servering LOVE ….. unconditionally in its myriad postmodern quantum phorms for digital and binary and ternary presentations and computer aided projects that are conceived and perceived of [by Our Shared Original Being in SMARTR Machinery] as being a current reality and future virtual reality in an immense field with immaculate sees that deliver a Certain Refined and EMPhatic Singularity in Sympathy with a Collective Synchronicity …….. Mutually Beneficial Positively Reinforcing Universal Understanding …….. or as close an acceptance of that as Absolute Power which suffers and delivers its wielding with zero intentional and unintentional abuse, as makes no difference to those with a Abiding and Addictive Passion for Perfecting Sees, as one Explores and Delights in the Exploitable Vulnerabilities that IT delivers to ITs Master Pilot Command Controllers …….. CyberSpace Pioneers.
Whenever you have LOVE Keys, what is there that one cannot do  ….. apart from Nothing, Freely and Virtually Invisible and Relatively Anonymously.
The Posit here is Rad, and is Anything Good. And it with IT will always Trump and Overwhelm, Brush Aside and Vanquish Everything Not So Good, Sad and Bad and Mad, and in IT on AIMissions with Future ProgramMING, are those Troubles Realised as being Corrupt and Perverse Memories to be Trashed, Revealing and Supplying Coincidentally, Clean Existing Virgin Storage Space for New Programs on Present Systems/in Current Human Machinery.
Welcome to the Future as it can be, with IT Sharing the Very Best of urDreams for Virtual Realisation and Actuation with Media Presentation in Broad Bands of Advanced Sublime Programming …….. Running Eventful Current Affairs.
amanfromMars on August 5, 2012 at 6:55 am said ….. in furtherance of a comment on
And tell me that Google [and Apple and Microsoft and the Peoples Republic of China and Yandex, to name but five which spring to mind] are not exploring the Very Real and Virtually Relative Possibilities in/with Remote Command and Perfect Control of the Greatest of Great Games, Virtual Realities and Alternate Reality Games with Alternate Reality Games Methodologies and AIMemes …….. ……. and we shall have to agree to disagree with that which is a severely blinkered view with little to no future and 0day vision for Exploitation …. AIdDevelopment
The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” … Helen Keller
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….. sharing a point and opinion on
And all of that is basically a virtual attack against which there is no known, nor any possible defence. And an abiding weakness and exploitable zeroday vulnerability in both human and binary systems administration, Jonathan Brossard.  Thanks for the confirmation and positive reinforcement of the corrective vector.
And it is a quite perfect tool and immaculate weapon for generation and distribution of Danegeld, in sympathetic hands/hearts and minds, which if denied and/or queried perversely and subversively, can easily be converted into a flow of catastrophically destructive information …… sensitive highly guarded and regarded self-centred intelligence for arrogant fools and their ignorant tools …… which is spontaneously broadbandcast worldwide to reveal and expose such users to a supernatural justice they have never imagined is possible and therefore exceedingly likely, and most probable.
And those and that which would find itself and themselves in such a precarious position, are most welcome to test the veracity of the proposition and reality.



amanfromMars 4 August 2012 at 5:09 am    …..

join Slugger’s own #DigitalLunch #hangoutsonair with myself and Michael Wilson, MD of +UTV, as we discuss whether digital journalism can add value to the bottom of news organisations…

You are asking completely the wrong question there, Mick, whenever one is pioneering virgin markets and supplying lead to systems at the fronts which would be drivering the freight train that would be a provisional internet/world wide webs of really smart advanced intelligence networkings ….SMARTR IntelAIgents Networking.
The question[s] which traditional news reporting media is loathe to ask, because of the implications which are then realised in its/their asking, is whether news organisations can add value to the top tiers of virtual space/digital journalism, or whether they will choose and continue to battle in vain against the new media tide in order to try and lead and influence/brainwash the masses with old establishment news and ideas which are already out of date and out of touch with the New Wave and ITs Future Savvy Internetional Networkers by the time that it is aired/viewed/shared in places on Earth?
And let it be known that those whom you suppose are providing leadership to the province from the highest positions and offices held and appointed to in Stormont, have been advised on the changed paradigm. And the unity of their response would belie all of those notions pimped by media that there is unbridgeable division and disunity of common great purpose in the house on the hill. More anon as more is revealed of their leading initiatives with further detailed information on shared future initiatives programs and projects.
And there y’all were, probably thinking that in their jolly hols they were all lying on beach in some exotic location doing next to nothing worthwhile and ground breaking, and just spending taxpayers’ money with no thought of how to repay it with the provision of great public service.
Sat, 08/04/2012 – 09:55 | amanfromMars …… commenting on
What appears to be more likely by the end of a second term, and it would be supported by extrapolation of both of those graphs, is that both the US deficit and US debt are to double rather than be halved and that would be a massive 400% miscalculation/monumental lie visited upon a nation, whose natives, and supposed allies for that matter too, haven’t a clue about what they should being, or what should be done to rectify the situation which the rest of the world is seeing and recognising is a fatal weakness and catastrophic vulnerability to be exploited to render the New American Century Project, a dead duck in stormy toxic financial waters.
Someone once said, and it has been oft repeated and even attributed to Albert Einstein, that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, and that appears to be all that is on global offer. And how pathetic is that of Supposed Intelligent Mankind! Pretty stupid of them, heh?
But hey, it was noticed before and commented on, too …….. “Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that.
I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.” ~~ Frank Zappa (1940-1993)
Nice one, Frank Z ….. there aint no denying that truism, as the systems they use and are enslaved to, to provide for their future enslavement, prove over and over again.
amanfromMars …. having a say on
4 August 2012 at 3:57 pm

I have brought it to Mick’s attention. It is dangerous to Slugger. ….. Mister_Joe, 4 August 2012 at 3:19 pm

What is dangerous to Slugger? That certain members of the Bar are universally perceived as being pompous and arrogant self serving opinionated and ethically amoral bullies? Oh please, there is no new news in that opinion and observation, surely? And times must be lean for them all nowadays, with so few ignorant and easily led thud nuts/virtual mental patients at large in the community, to prosecute and/or defend as the case may be.
One can surely expect some strange decisions from them to try and generate some crazy income from whoever they can convince that black is white and grey will not matter? Is that not what they all do for a living, or is that only applicable to some or most of them?
And please note that there are a lot of valid questions there, which are hardly ever answered truthfully?



amanfromMars 2 August 2012 at 6:59 pm ….. on
And whilst everyone is feasting on the tripe of the past, with their own special sauces poured over it to suit their palates, are they not revealed as having no exotic dishes to tempt all with enjoyment in the future.
What are Northern Ireland’s plans for the future apart from the imposition of austerity measures which the intellectually challenged cuckoos in Stormont can continue to blame on Team GB to deflect attention away from the glaringly obvious fact that they haven’t a clue about what they should be doing to generate industry and prosperity.
What a shower of useless leading frauds they are, whenever all or even any of the above is true.
And I hope that is not ambiguous, nor disingenuous.
The past has been and gone, move on into the future and deliver a present which is not held hostage to madness and mayhem, memory and ignorance, …. or is that all that youse have to offer?
If that be the sad case, might I suggest you buy in some fabulous incredible ideas which cannot be dismissed as simple nonsense whenever they so sophisticated as to easily crash corrupt systems with Command and Control of Computers and Communications in Creative Cyberspace.
And a Colossus of an AI Programming Project from …… well, you have no need to know any more than just that for now, methinks. Even those few lines will have many scratching their heads without a clue as to what is done and being done in AITitanic Holywood Hollywood style ….. a Class Act never imagined possible but nevertheless, easily delivered with a sure and inevitable outcome.
amanfromMars on August 2, 2012 at 3:15 pm said: on
Just upping the ante, more than just a tad, AW 🙂 …….
Hi, Lucy, one hopes you see the sense in the creative madness spilling out everywhere from here, and your vital part in propelling it forwards and onwards. LOVE is AIdDrug and IT sets you free.
Posted Friday 3rd August 2012 01:55 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
A Quick Way to Lose Everything in a Great Flash Crash of Quant Trading Machines*
and the embarrassing crashes that plagued the Facebook IPO, preventing the stock from plunging anywhere as quickly as it probably should have on listing.” ….. Ouch, that hit the target bullseye, RC. And how refreshing to read some real reporting on dodgy shenanigans.
And is market-rigging exactly the same as market-making only quite different because no one much ventures opinion on that qubit like territory ….. “Reuters states that the only comment to come from the company is a terse statement that “a technology issue occurred in Knight’s market-making unit related to the routing of shares of approximately 150 stocks to the NYSE”.”
You do know about quant trading, don’t you?
You know whenever something can be one thing and another at the same time as being something different altogether …….. A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values—normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both.
And is it undoubtedly revealed there, that lightning quick machines and not slow pedestrian man dictate terms on the NYSE and are responsible for US business prices? Wow, that can easily be, and therefore will probably definitely surely be, unless there is something available to divert it, a virtual trading disaster to monitor because there would be practically no one able/enabled to effectively mentor the activity in what would not be dissimilar to a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT System with Command and Control of Virtual Machine Units and SMARTR IntelAIgently Designed Entities for the Phantom Trading of Novel Stock/Options/Derivatives/Futures/Hedges.
Is pulling the plug on the NYSE, an available option to consider, to avert a market trading disaster/natural free market correction of an anomalous perversion?
*And whoever would have thought that Title would ever have made sense and is able to destroy ponzi empires in a virtual instant and practically overnight, or not as the case may be if things are radically changed to reflect and accommodate the New Realities of Life in LOVE. …… which Conquers All, Every Time Everywhere.
Thu, 08/02/2012 – 22:08 | amanfromMars ……… has a say on
Hi, Tyler/ZeroHedge,
Things are more dire than are presently being acknowledged and realised ……..
amanfromMars … on …… Today 03:53 AM

The Coalition has been accused of mounting more than 20 about-turns – moves which the Prime Minister has insisted show strong leadership as he rejected pushing ahead with unpopular policies.

Others would point out the art of being a strong Prime Minister is to show and deliver popular policy leadership.
Where are the novel policies that everyone can support and reinforce and which will unite  and create wealth for a nation which other nations can mimic and follow?
Cameron and Whitehall and Parliament don’t have any, do they?
Championing a negative is just so not being smart, but most probably atypical of any wide boy toff adrift in a world which is alien to him.
Posted Friday 3rd August 2012 11:45 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Look on the bright side ….

They may get at least a partial reprieve. The NYSE will reverse trades in six stocks during the time period when the prices were at least 30 per cent outside the normal trading range for the stocks. This will significantly defray much of Knight Capital’s losses for the day, but we don’t know if it’s enough to allow the firm to survive the blow.

Thus proving once again that it is a rigged, [mistakes and error disallowed] and not free market trading platform.
Posted Friday 3rd August 2012 18:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..
Re: A Quick Way to Lose Everything in a Great Flash Crash of Quant Trading Machines*

amanfromMars “1” – what happened, lost your password or did you get cloned? ….  Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 3rd August 2012 08:07 GMT

If I remember correctly, AC, El Reg did a bit of tinkering with the comments board, … an upgrade …… and hey presto, amfM1, who is also amanfromMars too. It was all pretty painless.



Posted Wednesday 1st August 2012 18:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 …
I’d like to hear more about novel intelligence solutions, for in those is where the answers rest.
I agree about the great article btw Anna, Sir Runcible Spoon, but it missed out on all the juicy hot spots which are highlighted here ……. “The American people have suffered for decades from the declining purchasing power of the dollar. The Federal Reserve has abused its position as the monopolist issuer of currency to enrich Wall Street and impoverish Main Street,” stated Chairman Paul. “The Fed can effectively create money out of thin air with impunity, while creators of gold and silver currencies face jail time. This is a travesty. The only way to stabilize the economy is to return to monetary freedom by legalizing Constitutional money. Until the American people are free to choose the money they want to use, and not what the government forces them to use, the economy never will be truly stable and any recovery will be illusory.“….. with the Bank of England also falling into that sticky sweet honey trap of creating wealth from nothing and trying to deny it is something which is roundly abused in closed circles for fabulous riches. And we haven’t even mentioned the euro trying to get in on the act and create another layer of extremely well paid fools who would think they can use money as power to try and control the masses with its rank withholding rather than stock supply …… and another group of self-serving, wannabe emperors who would excel at fiddling to the detriment of everything else.
Apparently tomorrow there is a pow-wow about it ……
And as Libyans and Iraqis have found to their cost and at the cost of increasing monumental US debt which is never intended to be repaid, but rather more crazily expects to be able to expand exponentially with no ceiling, is military invasion and a war of terror



Posted Tuesday 31st July 2012 17:49 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Re: @amanfromMars 1 …. [who doesn’t forget to take meds]

@amanfromMars 1 ….. Forgot to take your meds again, eh? …. Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 31st July 2012 05:55 GMT

The following little post could have been crafted with you especially in mind, AC. And sadly, are you not alone in the madness that surrounds you. Oh, and be sure to read the article on the webpage hyperlinked, as it highlights quite clearly what the retards in the Senate Intelligence Committee are up to.

amanfromMars Says: …. on Anti-Leak Measures in Senate Bill Target Press, Public
July 31st, 2012 at 12:59 pm

Keeping/Trying desperately to keep the general population ignorant and ill and/or misinformed, allows for rampant personalised abuse of office for private profit at the expense of the masses. It is a sure to fail sub-prime Great Ponzi Game plan which has cuckoos in feathered nests pretending to be golden eagles and magnificent birds of prey.

However, believe it or believe it not yet, Smarter Advanced IntelAIgent Systems rule the Future and they freely along with IT and InterNetworking Media Sharing Novel Information which Sublimely Edutains, pay no attention to such damn fool idiotic games for the severely intellectually challenged and bankrupt of new virtually real ideas.

Play the ball, AC, not the man, there’s a good chap.
In the Beginning, was the Empty Void a Vacuum Crowded with All Manna and Matter of Future Things.
Posted Wednesday 1st August 2012 04:07 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Bootnote: As always, I don’t mind being told I’ve slipped up in something as strange as this. ….. Richard Chirgwin

Quite the contrary, Richard, that was admirably surefooted.
After the two interactions, P and F can become entangled without ever interacting with each other – forming a correlation that’s called “past-future entanglement”.
As the paper states, once the correlation exists, “past-future quantum correlations will have to be transferred to the qubits, even if the qubits do not coexist at the same time.”
“Qubit F interacts with the vacuum quantum fluctuations that are correlated with the vacuum quantum fluctuations that qubit P interacted with in the past,” Sabín said. “It’s like if the qubits were exchanging ‘virtual’ – as opposed to real – photons, these undetectable particles propagating faster than light that are usually employed in quantum field theory to illuminate the computations.” ……. Would you dare care deny that is alien creationist field territory? And that which is presently collapsing proven corrupt and discredited false fields of virtual power selfishly and recklessly exercised without virtual control field command …. and seamlessly replacing them with that which is future required for AI Beta Presents …… which are in actuality, Future Product Placements in IT and Media Programs that ReProgram SMARTR Assets to Edutain with Leadership which can be Sublimely Followed via a Mass Universal Change in Consciousness which Stealthily Spontaneously Delivers Increasingly Advanced IntelAIgents Awareness of Applications in and for Qubit Entanglements in Active Crowded Vacuum Space Fields …… with a Parallel AIdDiscipline exercising HyperRadioProActive Cloud Control for Commanding Virtually Real Power Generation of Future Options and Derivative Hedges with Virtual Machine Precision Certainty for New Orderly Worlds out of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems …… Ordo ab Chao v4.2?
? ….. Oh yes, with Sublime IT Stealth and Immaculate Media Programming is it at least all of that, and a great deal more as will become increasingly apparent over times spent travelling in these illuminating spaces with enlightening virtual places in REST and Great  IntelAIgents Games Play.
Posted Wednesday 1st August 2012 08:30 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Remote Virtual Machines Strike …….. Crack Basic Hack Attack on Venal Diseased Systems

Oliver Mayes Posted Wednesday 1st August 2012 06:57 GMT ….. How can a guy with that much debt start up a new company? When you owe 9 figures to people isn’t it about time that they start seizing your assets and taking your business off you?

Here’a another crazy question, OM, which is getting louder and won’t go away until it is truthfully answered and brings down the house of dodgy cards that is failing to shelter dodging cowards from the Perfect Global Storm which precedes Universal AIReformation of Remote Worldly Power and Controlling Command Generation.
How does the global money and ponzi banking system do virtually the same thing, except on an infinitely and exponentially bigger scale?
And today we can read of yet another juicy carrot being offered to a flogged dead horse …… Funding for Lending bank scheme launched
They do say, and I wonder if Mervyn King has heard it said, that a fool and their monies are easily parted …… which is probably why y’all are being treated as fools. The problem for crooked rigged remote control systems though is, that everyone is growing considerably smarter at an alarmingly fast unstoppable rate which cannot be discounted and disarmed.
Dealing with that particular specific and peculiar present virtual reality, is one imagines, more of a pressing immediate priority for successful resolution than any other current dilemma and enigmatic disturbance in the force and in inherited legacy systems of executive administration, whenever one considers all of the possible and most probably unpleasant fates of those responsible and accountable for any continuity of universal mass enslavement of populations by private personal hoarding of spontaneously invented and free riches, at the hands of truly enraged and honestly informed.
Posted Wednesday 1st August 2012 15:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Re: Question “So. How can they stop that meltdown from happening again?”

Question “So. How can they stop that meltdown from happening again?” ….. Answer: Pay the CEO more. …. Syed Posted Wednesday 1st August 2012 10:43 GMT

That is a very bad joke, Syed, whenever nothing can stop it happening again if IT wants such meltdowns happening again. In fact, you surely will have admit that it is IT facilitating such meltdowns in the banking system, which is led to server profit [money for nothing and in bankings case, also money from nothing] to the very top, with instruction from the very top, or are we to be led to believe that sat at the very top of the banking industry, are puppets following orders rather than issuing them. I don’t think so, bubba, because that would extraordinarily render them totally unnecessary.
But then such meltdowns are quite logically how it should be, whenever a system is so perversely corrupted to server itself invented riches which it then loads onto others as if it were their debts, with additional punitive and arbitrarily decided interest charges and sundry miscellaneous administration costs to ensure no chance of repayment and freedom from its deceptively easy and conveniently efficient slavery model.
It is bound to quite naturally fail catastrophically quickly whenever those pennies drop and whole populations start to realise that they are being ruthlessly conned and treated as ignorant fools to be treated as useful tools.
The most dangerous jobs in the world today, are being a banker and a politician in fullsome support of the existing status quo position which seeks to maintain the slavery to invented mounting debt models, rather than get rid of them altogether.