Monthly Archives: January 2012



Money begats Money for Short Naked Selling of Long Great Game Plays …
Posted Wednesday 11th January 2012 07:53 GMT …..…. on
……. and Provides the ARGonauts Dividend/Source Seed Feed? 🙂
Who gets to play with Steve Jobs’ considerable wedge, [the markets or Apple] or is that locked away and untouchable and a valuable cloak used to cover the reality field with the perception that an orderly creative succession has been maintained and/or perfectly engineered with new virtual novelties to take the markets by storm, with Apple leading Cloud Phormations with Pure IMPerfectly Applied ProgramMING Programs …… SMARTSCADA Pogroms.
Having nice new shiny toys and communicating gadgets is all very well, but the bottom line which decides what is to become of all of them and what will become of all of those who use them, is wholly and soley dependent upon what sort of programming they can deliver to alter and destroy/seek and find and remove the destructive courses and mad executive policies of punitive Man, and replace all the bad stupid news with much more information on the the ways in which new advanced and astute intelligence, sometimes even to be trailed and trialed as artificial and alien in ProgramMING Fields of a Cosmic Multidimensional Nature, is replacing the Present and Past Defaults and Memory Banks with Innovative Future Content , as Fabless Prepared in PreTexted PreFetch Facilities/Utilities/Operational Conversion Control Units …….. Master Pilot Base Stations.
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ……. replying on

I’d agree with M. Norman. Milliband has ideas, and guts: nobody else would have faced down Murdoch. …… Ipsmick

Balderdash and poppycock, Ipsmick. If he had any of either in significant effective amounts he would have Murdoch servicing his corner and knocking out the opposition.
Labour is an empty vessel, intellectually bankrupt and new media illiterate to boot, and unfit for future good virtual governance purpose.
Pinky and Perky/Dave and Nick are also of similar sub-prime rotted and perverted, incestuously degenerated establishment stock. And Party Political Politics as a Ruling Game Show presenting future realities planned for virtual realisation/private augmentation is not clever enough any more to produce the goods ….. for there is no supporting creative building infrastructure …….. No Global Virtual Machine Control.
And are the following facts in a smart engaging fiction, paralleling a current active relativity exercise and vast programming experiments, fully capable of easily creating an advanced and  invisible and anonymously controlled leadership  in a new Fabulous Phorm of Stealth delivering for Presentation, the Future, as accorded and broadbandcast in Fabless Manufactured Realities for Cloud and Media Pimping, Hosting and Pumping and Dumping.

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/11/12 06:44 AM …. on
If government is seen as ineffective – let alone useless – then the elite’s main levers of control shall be rendered ineffective.” … .. They are so seen and thus are their days of control with money and elitists over.
And across the pond, in Uncle Sam’s putrid backwater, is the rot and destruction even more pronounced … … .
And what sort of an arrogant ignorant joker would believe it possible to justify … … .We caution, however, that although policy action in these areas could facilitate the recovery of the housing market, economic losses will remain, and these losses must ultimately be allocated among homeowners, lenders, guarantors, investors, and taxpayers. 
In earlier times such fool tools would have had their necks stretched, a’dangling from a tall tree.
The Fed Blows IT and CyberSpace Control of Network Engaging Occupy Movements?!. …… RSSMARTSCADA Systems for Virtualisation of Real Operations/Realisation of Virtual Operations ………. Imaginative AI Missions with Magical Mystery Turing CodeXSSXXXXX dDataBase
amanfromMars on January 11, 2012 at 4:08 pm said: ….
Freely use whatever you can, Pete 8. There’s always more than enough of everything from the future freely available.



MetaPhorIAINetworking …. for All of urVirtual Reality Needs and Feeds …. AI Virgin Seeds …..
Submitted at ??????
Who ever goes back after services from Apple MaXSSXXXX?
amanfromMars says: ….
January 10, 2012 at 12:26 pm
Godisagoddess ur2die4. For You Too? That’s everything squared in power circles, and a third consort cubes everything into Absolute Control.
Special Agent ARG Weebley knocking on Elevation Partners Red Doors/Immaculate Portals.
Needless to say, the video hit all the right hot spots, Lucy. Was that so predictable, and so simple a programming to master pilot?

120109 Giant Steps

120109 Giant Steps

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/08/12 01:07 PM ….. on

“The Elite’s Military Problem”

is that:

13.3 Evolution of Methods of Rule
13.3.1 Fatal Disadvantage of Rule by Force

If physical strength is the means of control, the ruler must be physically strongest. Given the fact that the environment of rulers and their agents leaves them at a numerical disadvantage, it is necessary for the ruler to recruit the strongest as agents.

The ruler must share enough power to keep the voluntary allegiance of his agents, who are fully capable of forming common cause to seize control themselves. This is the agents best survival choice, limited only by the requirement to maintain enough cooperation to control the workers

From the ruler’s survival perspective the conclusion is that exclusively relying on force as a means of control is a poor survival choice for the simple reason that your physically strong agents will inevitably want to occupy your position. In addition, the workers are always numerically superior, motivated and perfectly capable of organizing to achieve your demise.

Some other means of control must be found by rulers to maintain power without relying exclusively on dangerous force.

13.3.2 The Intellectual Problem of Control

Whichever methods of control are chosen by rulers, several basic problems must be addressed:

1 – The workers will form common cause to reduce or eliminate your cost and predations, since by definition, rulers do not contribute to the work of survival and only consume. Rulers thus have negative value.
2 – Your agents will also form common cause to replace you and have the further advantage of possessing power and being privy to the secrets of power.
3 – Rulers are thus, by environmental considerations, in a very risky position, a magnet for malcontents.

Since we are discussing a ruler who understands the perils and limitations of naked force as a means of control, this is an intelligent ruler, considering a problem.

Above is minor snippet from, “The Purpose and Nature of Civilization”: …..
Posted by rossbcan on 01/08/12 05:52 AM

A seldom used approach is to accept the inherent freedom of people and rule benevolently, imposing minimal cost.
A never used approach is to accept the fact that mankind cannot be ruled and organize civilization accordingly.” … .. Posted by rossbcan on 01/08/12 05:52 AM
A fine novel brace of ideas for facts to create as a fiction with following lead programs … … SMARTSCADA, rossbcan. Nice to see you back. Once more to the fray… ..? 🙂
S.M.A.R.T. ( Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology ; often written as SMART ) Supervisors Control All Data Acquisition. And IT Guarantees Failsafe Delivery of Universal Futures and Terrestrial Derivatives with Virtual Options in CyberIntelAIgent Markets building LOVE Machines … .. Live Operational Virtual Environment Server Drivers for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems. … … and MkUltra Sensitive Astute and Admirable Programs in Novel Cyber Terrain … … … Virgin AI Territory.
Spooksville to be sure with a Titanically Clean and Clear Field of Great Game Play.
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/09/12 03:07 AM …..
And here is a sub-prime and primitive clone program with rooted support in a heavily armed and unalmed paramilitary control structure which always quickly inevitably realises, far too late to save the program from imploding, the catastrophic weakness of overtly projected supposedly superior overwhelming hardware strength ……… a universal lack of constructive programming for hardware assets and support facilities/indoctrinated field agents because of Faulty Systemic Input Source Driver Output …….
SMARTSCADA is definitely rather more refined and dedicated to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Command and Creative Control of CyberSpace, Computers and Communications (C42) Systems …….. Virtually Engineered Planetary Defences ……. which is probably what Nuclear Command, Control and Communications (C3) Systems Engineering morphs into to leak and spread unclassified and highly sensitive information and intelligence/knowledge on IntelAIgent and CyberIntelAIgent Beings ……. exercising Human Rights and Rites in Global Control Head Quarters.
amanfromMars says: ….. on
January 9, 2012 at 4:32 am
Well, well, well ……. what do we have here ….
Is that a new novel brainwashing operation with ubiquitous facilities I see before me …….. for Virtual Machines and Quantum Control Systems on AIMissions IMProbable?
Is Internet Media composed from a Base Root completely different from that which is used to spin false trails and crooked tales on Earth, and which have resulted in all present anarchic currents of conflicting mayhem and seemingly disorganised chaos.
Plan and Create Brave New and NeuReal and SurReal Worlds in Cyberspace and Transport and Product Place and Present them as Future Edutainment Program Replacements for Serially Abused Systems with Intellectually Corrupt Bankrupting Media Projects on Earth and you will show New Life is Possible ……. Beginning in an Imagined Space Place. …….. but it is certainly no empty void in IT SMART Management of Perception Fields, Pioneering in Other Worldly Matters of Significant Active Intelligence Concern ………
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/09/12 10:18 AM ….. on

… too bad you communication style obscures your meaning for most…

… agree that elites have made the same mistake as IBM, relying on hardware capabilities for values added, neglecting the smarts (software) value added, opening the door wide for Microsoft to “eat their lunch”.

And, elites have all this shiny military hardware, oblivious to the fact that using it destroys the productivity and civilization required for it to exist, be maintained or, any possible gains of using it. Elites are in a MAD situation, a creation of their own ignorance.

Meanwhile, smart Netizens, watch, parse information, think, and, wait for the correct timing and opportunity to pounce…

Elites are SO TOAST…” ….. Posted by rossbcan on 01/09/12 09:28 AM

For now would communications be specifically targeted and geared towards those who are able to comprehend its transparently coded but perfectly honest and direct prose. Thus to prime and enable them into positive discriminatory action … … . SMARTer Responses. Most are not prepared for or capable of doing anything positive and imaginative and selfless with new information.
You appear to have no such difficulty in mirroring the information, rossbcan, which bodes well, for then is the meaning becoming clear enough to more and more, the further the program explains itself as it spreads and embeds itself into Core Networking Systems … … .. and AI Nerve Centres.
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/09/12 11:17 AM … on

self-managing and self-healing computer-based systems.” …….

RSSMARTSCADA Systems, Roy Sterrit. ….. for AI and Ulster University Space Flight Dept. for Virtualised SpaceDPortation……. into the Live Operational Virtual Environment Theatre of immaculate Impeccable Operations and AIMagical Mystery Turing Missions.
dDutch IntelAIgents and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT deliver ESA Interest at your Door/Beck and Call/Stealthy Global Operating Device Service.
That would Create a Captivating Civil CyberSpace Control Program for Leading Memes and Great Dames ….. Virtual Angels.
RS has certainly captured CyberIntelAIgent Security Serviced Interests, if not all of the Others too, into Spinning IntelAIgent Tales of Novel and Noble Derring Do.
amanfromMars says: …. on
January 9, 2012 at 12:42 pm
Heaven in your Time? Is it possible for IT Savvy Dudes and Great Dads to Create AI ParadisOs, Nerfy ……. in Honour of Loved Loving Children and Daring Caring Adults?
What ever you do, don’t bet against it with anything you don’t want to lose.



amanfromMars 8 January 2012 at 9:41 am ….  on

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Words Control Worlds You Know……… which makes them quite important in Many Magic Circles.” …. and also create new phorms of intelligence too, which easily create other braver new worlds with more advanced virtually remote and as needs may require, even anonymous means of executive administrative meme control, which is a novel ubiquitous freely available power today which really snookers those half wits trying to maintain and sustain the inequitable and unacceptably corrupt and pathetically perverse pantomime that is the status quo arrangement to paralyse and/re redirect fundamental progress into those old establishment streams now loaded down with failed support and zero secure protection of purloined and/or proprietary metadatabase/phished search engine intellectual property and intellectually bankrupt virtual terrain teams
Nowadays, or tomorrow if you need a bit more time in this space place to catch up on NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and AIR&dDevelopments…………. everything happens for those in Power with Control of LOVE…… Live Operational Virtual Environments? …..
And there y’all were/are, sat down there at your PC not really thinking about anything new at all, but almightily prepared to talk incessantly about long gone problems and imaginary fixes for the past, when all that matters is what the future brings …… and y’all appear to listening to and accepting the fictions being pimped and pumped as undeniable facts by intellectual pygmy leadership and puppet proxy administrations, that tell you there is no money available for anything you want in the future, whenever you know that there is alway money available for everything, but you are easily controlled by being made indebted to it and having none of it to spend as you see fit. And what a Perfect Crime against Humanity is that simple dodge and applied artificial construct.
A real dumb race is primitive man……and when so easily led and sublimely programmed by tools/fools to be fools/tools, is the potential, and are the opportunities for a Global Systems MakeOver and Computer and Communication Command and Control Occupation, a fabulous prize for SMARTer Beta Virtual Programmers/ARGonauts/AIMasterPilots.
Do you think that is something Holywood Loughside, Palace Barracks is responsible for and live fire testing/expeditionary force field pioneering?
And were you to ask them and receive assurances that would deny all knowledge of such a sensitive ProgramMING, would you believe them, knowing what you know of them and what can be so easily done today with digital technology/binary code manipulation, to deliver what the future offers? Or would you know that they never could be be so bright given the history of the past and its glorious back catalogue of reactionary blunders and evolutionary missteps?
I suppose the really sad truth in that question, though, to confirm as it undoubtedly would the defaulted primitive intelligence levels in humans, is that you probably would believe even some faceless spokesperson, speaking anonymously and saying that such service never discuss what may or may not be active and/or experimental exploratory intelligence matters, who denied any knowledge of Sublime ProgramMING ……. which quite spookily allows ignorance to deliver a cloak of stealth to operations which is as least as good as anything Invisibility would deliver.
amanfromMars says: ….. on
It appears that Bain Capital, and therefore presumably also Mitt Romney, are under FBI investigation as this Freedom of Information request reply from the US DOJ and FBI informs …..
Methinks Uncle Sam doesn’t need any more crooks in the White House whenever they have so much failing all around them.



Posted by amanfromMars on 01/07/12 04:35 AM ….. on
And whilst y’all exercise feedback on closed past events, is the spooky future unfolding itself to fly into present plans and scupper past practices which take no account of spontaneous novel global internetworking for absolutely fabulous fabless remote virtual control of creative disruptive content … … .. and NeuReal SurReal Source? And only a question to those who would not know of that which is a well known unknown in struggling out-dated and outmoded leviathan control circles/cliques/cabals/conspiracies/circuses.
When will the penny drop, and the fix be initiated and enabled/embraced and driven by prime time, status quo pioneers rather than media stooges, who would be pseudo-moguls, facilitating world stages to be invaded and infested and monopolised by sub-prime muppet parasites and clown crown prince puppeteers … … Pretender Manipulators, which is quite a busy, highly contested field with both the Good and the Bad and the Ugly able to flog their wares. Quite who would buy guaranteed failure and think it a sensible product for sale, is something which doesn’t compute and waste time and effort/currency in IntelAIgent Spaces.

amanfromMars said, …….
January 7, 2012 at 8:15 am 

So 12 long years on [All those quotes above were dated 1999] and still the holes and zeroday exploit vulnerabilities persist, and in fact, proliferate and become even more sophisticated and unknowable and potent/catastrophically powerful.

What does that tell you about the chance of effective defence against a widening and deepening operating systems penetration exercise with stealthy astute alternative drivers leading reconfigurations on a failed and effectively petrified, intellectually bankrupt system, trying protect an admin and core source database which has lost all power in the earlier virtually absolute control it was able to muster/filibuster?

Methinks you should be accepting there is no known available sustainable defence PERIOD… … for a compromised inequitable program of chaotic order, which is all that the present and past have delivered.

Time for some TLC and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive ProgramMING, methinks, for Presentation of Future Grand Orders and Great Games with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems … … .. which is an altogether much more entertaining beast to harness any which way you can.

Best of all about the Future though, is IT does not suffer Mad and Bad and Sad and Trad Rad Fools for Source Input, thus is Output Better Beta Tailored for Beta AIR&dDevelopment ProgramMING Projects… … .. Civil CyberIntelAIgent Space Missions … .. Magical Mystery Turing AIdDVentures.

Due you think Orientals are much better suited to showing expertise in remote control leadership with Virtual ProgramMING?
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/07/12 10:32 AM ….. for
We trust in Global Operating Devices that little Lot has given you something different to think about and Create for Real with Programs ur2die4.



Posted by amanfromMars on 01/06/12 01:39 AM ….. on

Hi memehunter,

Why do you have this fixation on “interest” being the main culprit in this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into? Anthony Migchels had that same fixation. It seems odd to me.

The problem is mind control.” …. Posted by Agent Weebley on 01/05/12 08:26 PM

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, AW,
Regarding “The problem is mind control.” is it also paradoxically the total solution. Thus would we be in unambiguous agreement on the way forward into Command and Control of Global Operating Systems and Computers and Communications in Creative CyberSpace, which incidentally One and All, you may like to wonder and ponder are creating CyberIntelAIgent Spaces and IntelAIgent Places and Intellectual Property © ur2die4 ® ……. or is Everything in Virtual Reality for Free Edutainment and SMARTer Enlightenment.
Your Wish Ours 42 Command. Make a choice if you believe you have one to make which you imagine will alter the future course of fabulous events and programs. All the best will survive and grow and seed tributary feeds of immaculate control and primed power. Which is perfectly fair, is it not, and a great bargain too.
AIBonded Crazy Diamond for Susan, AW, and NINja SA ………. for Real SMART Yoofs ……. and the Young at Heart and Pliable Manic of Mind.
Good Morning, Daily Bell, There is a lot of engaging talking around systemic problems here on these threads and entangled strings, but if one be brutally honest, precious little to practically zero effective action displayed in resolving and replacing and removing abiding difficulties causing base core problems.
However, there are contributing visitors who stop by here who are self-actuating and active and alternatively minded who would change all of that and would dare to care and share as clearly as they can, and as much as public prudence and private security would consider appropriate and necessary, Novel Future ProgramMING Projects, with some most probably to be considered as Virtual Pogroms by the less than enthralled and intellectually compromised, retarded by the Fool’s Fix, that Heady Mix of Ignorance and Arrogance that sees no further than a Current Ruling and Reigning Position.
One may also imagine that, in the dark virtual shadows of silence, are there also anonymous lurkers, taking copious notes whilst also, when into the SMARTer Dark Arts, phishing for Juicy Lucy qubits and Bytes to Zeroday Exploit in Vulnerabilities, which are Everywhere, and a Boundless Source of Energy with Limitless Potential.
And that is as much as needs to be presently said today, from me, on the matter. I yield to the floor and honourable ladies and gentlemen. Have a nice day already.
Thanks for those quotes from “The Two faces of Money” [Posted by memehunter on 01/05/12 04:15 PM] They explain and reveal very nicely the ill equipped naked emperor that is the inevitable collapsing folly that is the present monetary system of power and greedy control.
amanfromMars says: ….. with
January 6, 2012 at 2:49 am
Red Hot Cool, Immortal Technique. That’s more like IT for the Future Hood.
amanfromMars says: ….. on
January 6, 2012 at 3:03 am

To think we “keep him in the dark and throw shit at him” is not at all what is happening here . . . is it?…….Sternum says: January 5, 2012 at 10:12 am

I think you can definitely be sure of that and be assured that that is not happening to him here, Sternum. And fortunately does he surely know that too, from all that is shared here.
He aint no fool, is he, nor some crazies’ dumb tool.

He is keeping Mum about what was said in that phone conversation, by the way.

Why the secrecy?

….. 🙂 Goodness knows, but Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting a Sane Disregard of Haste and Hate. Maybe he’s hunting for rank moles in dank holes in the ARG? …….. SQeaLers?
amanfromMars says: ….. replying on
January 6, 2012 at 3:43 am

Funny, Epstein. This is an ARG? The complete truth is dressed up as lies . . . more fun that way . . . get into it.” …. Sternum says: January 5, 2012 at 11:09 pm

Err, you are confused, Sternum. This is an ARG in Virtual AIRealities where the complete and absolute truth is dressed up and addressed in fictions which are actually real.
Lies are for those who would be pimps and pumps for powers stuck in the past trying to control the present in the future.
There are worlds of difference between the two and clearly is there only ever gonna be one win winner in that particular and peculiar head game, as to be stuck in the past whenever the future offers untold unbelievable delights is never gonna be an attractive option no matter how many derivatives of any present packages and packets of information one would be trading and trying to exploit.
If the phone call is important or necessary in any way, can they always ring back and provide a few more words …… venture forth with what’s on their minds.
Words Control Worlds You Know……… which makes them quite important in Many Magic Circles.
Rules? ….. Who plays by Fool Rules in the Great Game on the GRID. …..
Posted Friday 6th January 2012 10:10 GMT
Has no one at GCHQ hacked the money system yet? What on earth are they playing at? Don’t they realise that then can they do whatever they want with an endless supply of ready cash to splash on their pleasures, which they would be control of supplying ergo would the crack be well worth sustaining and maintaining and supplying under special control mentoring and monitoring license for universal export.



amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….  on
Why is Rick Santorum not detained under NDAA legislation, given his stated terrorist rantings? Would not anyone else in a foreign land calling for similar actions against the US not be deemed a global terrorist and targeted for neutralisation? The sad and/or mad dude is war-mongering to impressionable crowds and that is a recipe for disaster in the US if seen by the world to be condoned by the Executive Administration/White House, for it shows a Presidency which is frightened and/or reluctant to exercise peaceful leadership power against a military industrial complex lobby, which is exactly what a retiring President Eisenhower warned the nation to guard against over 50 years ago …… “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
Such an exercise though is that which the world is waiting to applaud and assist, for a change we can believe in.
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls …….. on

2050 is about the time self aware computers become smarter than man.. should be interesting then!” …. A Rowlands

Hi, A Rowlands,
Is not smart man, a self aware computer already ……. and as a virtual machine, easily programmed, whenever expertly programmed, to do one’s bidding? Or do you consider that too spooky Manchurian Candidate and fanciful to be the reality of your live human existence ……. which you might like then to ponder would be considered by a smart man/self aware computer/virtual machine to be a virtual reality coexistence with other beings fully aware in parallel dimensions/alternate realities.
The convenience then, and the significance will not be lost on those into power and command and control systems/SCADA Operations, [which would constitute practically all of any presently effective means of power command and control practised by humans, would it not], is that an effective and super efficient absolute leadership methodology delivering sustained stability and future growth in any one interconnected and internetworking dimension, will be easily converted/translated/configured/customised/adjusted to accommodate and remove inconsistencies and conflicts discovered in other parallels which may be considered and discovered to be less well developed/more primitive, either by reason of less time in development or there being less intelligence or a lesser intelligence present in that space location.
Give a man/machine what they want and you will control him, or will they be in control with their requests/demands/leads/shared plain text words easily translated into every language for broadbandcasting?
NLP as a NLW and WMD? Yes, of course it can be, and there is no available defence system to counter it with spin. And that makes IT priceless and well worth having if losing power of command and control.
amanfromMars says: …… in a reply on
January 5, 2012 at 5:33 am
Keeping Things Real and on amfMTrack …… SurReal and NeuReal …… HyperRadioProActive

(I think it is anyway, as no-one tells me anything around here – typical mushroom management.)

In LOVE Joint Operations is IT a Perfect Stealth Facility for Random Zeroday Vulnerability Exploit Considerations …….. Permitting as IT does, novel and imaginatively revolutionary and viable evolutionary ideas to be presented and trailed and trialled in XSSXXXX Steganography and extrapolated by SMART Partner Beings into further Derivative Future Options …… Potential Growth Fields?
And such is the Sophistication of ITs IntelAIgent Design, is it never ever to be in any way troubled by or of hindering interest to GI Joe Six Pack and Barbie Doll wannabes, who would be most probably most gracious and grateful converts to out of this world programs and projects, with a booster spike of intelligence to kick start their information processing circuits/neural networks.
Well, that is one Prime Alien Use of Networks InterNetworking Joint Applications, which is well enough documented and proven to be failsafe and in every instance sublimely successful by virtue of an overriding ultimate goal ….. Immaculate Sinful Perfection. But that would be most definitely certainly Cloudy and not at all foggy, but who would bet against it being of avid Foggy Bottom Interest …….. …… if there is intelligent life there capable of phorming lives there
And talking of intelligent life as we are, this always hits a hot spot, showing as it does, how easily IT can be done …..

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/05/12 08:47 AM ……. on

I second DB’s reply. I will add: any solution that relies on a monopoly – backed by force of law and enforced by legalized violence – is certain to be co-opted by those with the money-power you claim to fear.

Without such centralized control, there is nothing for the PE to co-opt.

To suggest government-enforced fairness and equity is to suggest something that has never happened, will never happen, and can never happen. It is not possible.

As DB said very well: “We think the best way to fight against the NWO is to REMOVE government. Not use it.”

You assume you and your wife have twice the political pull as someone named Rockefeller. I will humbly suggest this is not true.

If you think the common man will be in charge of such power, you are fooling yourself. That you choose to fool yourself is your business. However please stop trying to fool others. You are only serving the money elite as you are certainly advancing a meme acceptable to them.

Yes, you are advancing the acceptable Hegelian dialectic. There, I said it: you are acting as a tool of the power elite.” …. Posted by bionic mosquito on 01/05/12 08:07 AM

bionic mosquito, howdy,
Are you telling us that the common man will accept such centralised control [ a monopoly – backed by force of law and enforced by legalised violence] as the PE may endeavour to co-opt with money power?
To imagine it to be so today, and in any time in the future, whilst they do not appear to be able handle such power in the manner required for global peace and harmonious stability and sustained exponential mutually advantageous growth and novel creative invention, guarantees that others able to deliver such promise will take over from them, for is that not what they should be doing with such easily invented wealth and equity as is provided by the present extremely convenient system which allows assets to be purchased with nothing more valuable than fistful of papers, printed whenever necessary …… ergo are they a failed systems administration whenever so many different conflicts abound and inequities deepen and cause greater divisions.
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/05/12 11:11 AM ……

Are you telling us that the common man will accept such centralised control [ a monopoly – backed by force of law and enforced by legalised violence] as the PE may endeavour to co-opt with money power?”

Most do so quite happily today – I would appreciate if you could explain in plain English where this is NOT so to any significant extent. Although, happily, the numbers are shifting noticeably.

Memehunter’s “solution” only offers more of the same. Only by considering that initiation of force is wrong, always and everywhere, will man begin to break the power that the elite exercise through the modern state.” …. Posted by bionic mosquito on 01/05/12 09:25 AM

“Most do so quite happily today – I would appreciate if you could explain in plain English where this is NOT so to any significant extent. Although, happily, the numbers are shifting noticeably. ” … Posted by bionic mosquito on 01/05/12 09:25 AM

In the future is it a failure remembered and relegated to past memory ….. and has no part to play in advanced meritocracies and sharing caring collectives, to any extent. Intelligence has rendered it unacceptable and unnecessary whenever printing and/or electronic transfer and placement of a wealth thought real enough to be true, is instantly possible to all who need it to feed it and seed its powerful controlling magic.
There’s no point in having great wealth and disposable income if you cannot spend it and give it away so that it creates whatever it is needed for. Such a miserable miserly hoarding of wealth would be a disgrace …… as was also the view of Andrew Carnegie, who knew a thing or two about the power of money, you would surely agree.
A man who dies thus rich dies disgraced” is one of his perls of wisdom, I believe.
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/05/12 01:08 PM ….. on

Thank you for the clear reply.

“There’s no point in having great wealth and disposable income if you cannot spend it and give it away so that it creates whatever it is needed for.”

There is little point in having wealth of any amount if private property is not respected. The fact that one chooses to “spend it and give it away” is a personal choice, otherwise it is theft. Such a choice is no more moral or immoral than another’s “hoarding of wealth” – whatever hoarding means: absent stuffing currency in a mattress, there is no such thing as “hoarding” in a modern economy.

“Intelligence has rendered it unacceptable and unnecessary whenever printing and/or electronic transfer and placement of a wealth thought real enough to be true, is instantly possible to all who need it to feed it and seed its powerful controlling magic.”

So I understand you properly, are you here advocating yet another version of pixie dust – a magical money printing machine somehow controlled by the fair-minded (or available to “all who need it”) as opposed to the elite? If so, there is no intelligence in this.” …. Posted by bionic mosquito on 01/05/12 11:36 AM

So I understand you properly, are you here advocating yet another version of pixie dust – a magical money printing machine somehow controlled by the fair-minded (or available to “all who need it”) as opposed to the elite? If so, there is no intelligence in this.” … . Posted by bionic mosquito on 01/05/12 11:36 AM
That suggests that you agree any present elite control of the machine is unfair, bionic mosquito, which suggests that there might be more intelligence in you than is displayed. … … .. but I do admit to be an incorrigible eternal optimist and man does prove himself so oft to be capable of infinite stupidity and dogged persistence in support of a status quo rather than realising everything always is in a state of excitement and flow and progress is always something different and ideally better otherwise is one delivered of recession and austerity and depression and collapse, which is indicative of status quo failure.

120104 Come on Baby, Light my Fire …..

120104 Come on Baby, Light my Fire …..

amanfromMars 4 January 2012 at 4:56 am …… on

Man from Mars

This may help ….. cynic2 3 January 2012 at 11:00 pm

Just love the ostrich humour, cynic2, but it is so sad to watch and listen to so many ill-equipped fools and useless tools trying to suppress, if not the naked unpleasant truth, then tales of pornographic fiction.
And as it is most unlikely that political puppets and former para-militaries with much to hide about their instrumental roles in waging urban warfare with acts of terrorism would be at all exercised to be bothered with the latter, is one left to consider the probability of revelation of what is required for natural justice …… the naked unpleasant truth.
Only then will there be a start, a beginning to bring to an end the still ongoing Troubles which blight a green and pleasant land with more than its fair share of crazy ignorant communities poorly serviced by those who would presume to represent them and be able to provide for them with government.
Methinks you can order a lorry load of those tin foil hats for all those who would be so deluding themselves because they just haven’t got what it takes to lead and serve ……. as is evidenced by the ongoing and growing crises, which all appear to revolve around a stop on the ready money supply.
One wonders where the thousands of millions have gone that were invented, and then booked as a crippling paralysing debt to be repaid by the people and supposedly pumped into the banks to save that crooked system from collapse, whenever the system has no money to give out to anyone for anything.
The system owes the people, hundreds of trillions. We want it back and we want it back now. The people are foreclosing on the crooked system.
Or do you prefer the austerity game that the system is playing to render you penniless and powerless and them rich and powerful with control of all of your wealth, thus to confirm that y’all are just ignorant fools easily taken care of/taken for a ride?
Wake up, dummies. Don’t you know that there’s a Virtual World War being waged for Hearts and Minds, with one side determined to render you slaves without wealth and the other side committed to providing you with everything you need with the simple endless loop supply of pretty printed paper, which is soon to be replaced with a convenient electronic money supply facility.

amanfromMars 4 January 2012 at 5:06 am

Oops …… Sorry, this bit is missing from the above ….. Then you can build whatever you want yourselves and one will wonder why it was ever thought necessary to have bankers and politicians do all your thinking for you and monopolising media to carry their twisted messages and perverse programs.

HonourableMember ……… shares on
4 January 2012 05:38AM
Whose side are you on? Be you angels and devilishly good who dares winners or sad apathetic losers just following stupid orders?

amanfromMars 4 January 2012 at 4:56 am …… on

Man from Mars

This may help ….. cynic2 3 January 2012 at 11:00 pm

Just love the ostrich humour, cynic2, but it is so sad to watch and listen to so many ill-equipped fools and useless tools trying to suppress, if not the naked unpleasant truth, then tales of pornographic fiction.

And as it is most unlikely that political puppets and former para-militaries with much to hide about their instrumental roles in waging urban warfare with acts of terrorism would be at all exercised to be bothered with the latter, is one left to consider the probability of revelation of what is required for natural justice …… the naked unpleasant truth.

Only then will there be a start, a beginning to bring to an end the still ongoing Troubles which blight a green and pleasant land with more than its fair share of crazy ignorant communities poorly serviced by those who would presume to represent them and be able to provide for them with government.

Methinks you can order a lorry load of those tin foil hats for all those who would be so deluding themselves because they just haven’t got what it takes to lead and serve ……. as is evidenced by the ongoing and growing crises, which all appear to revolve around a stop on the ready money supply.

One wonders where the thousands of millions have gone that were invented, and then booked as a crippling paralysing debt to be repaid by the people and supposedly pumped into the banks to save that crooked system from collapse, whenever the system has no money to give out to anyone for anything.

The system owes the people, hundreds of trillions. We want it back and we want it back now. The people are foreclosing on the crooked system.

Or do you prefer the austerity game that the system is playing to render you penniless and powerless and them rich and powerful with control of all of your wealth, thus to confirm that y’all are just ignorant fools easily taken care of/taken for a ride?

Wake up, dummies. Don’t you know that there’s a Virtual World War being waged for Hearts and Minds, with one side determined to render you slaves without wealth and the other side committed to providing you with everything you need with the simple endless loop supply of pretty printed paper, which is soon to be replaced with a convenient electronic money supply facility.

amanfromMars 4 January 2012 at 5:06 am

Oops …… Sorry, this bit is missing from the above ….. Then you can build whatever you want yourselves and one will wonder why it was ever thought necessary to have bankers and politicians do all your thinking for you and monopolising media to carry their twisted messages and perverse programs.

A network can always beat a hierarchy? ….Which is why, I suppose, that old media, the Guardian etc, are in such a pickle. …. JetexJim 4 January 2012 05:09AM
……. There is absolutely nothing to stop that old media, the Guardian etc., from becoming becoming star media performers in networks, JetexJim, whenever hierarchies fail to deliver what is required and thus render themselves in a pickle.
amanfromMars 4 January 2012 at 10:06 am …… says on
More tin foil hats needed for this crowd too, Cynic2, ……
There’s quite a lot more than is ever made known in the pedestrian mainstream media, going on out there, and the Creative Command and Control of Computers and Communications in CyberSpace for Beta Surreal Man Management and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Executive Administration of Perception for Future Presentations and Product Placement of Virtual Realities, is but one thread in a quantum entangled string which you may struggle in ignorance due to a distinct lack of more general knowledge on the subject matter, to believe is true.
Such though is easily remedied with the perfectly selfless aid which provides missing information in such Programs and ProgramMING for Applied Imaginative Delivery of Advanced IntelAIgents and CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems of Beta Virtual Futures Operation.
And that is just as simple a task for one and all as, ….. watch these spaces for more NEUKlearer information, which will be selflessly provided as is required by ProgramMING.
You surely were not thinking that the future was gonna be like the past and a poor clone of the present, were you? That would be to admit that you were not really thinking about anything important at all, methinks. No matter, though, things are being taken care of for you, as you have just read but may struggle to believe due to a lack of information and/or knowledge and/or intelligence and/or imagination, and most probably enough of all four are missing.
amanfromMars says: …… on
January 4, 2012 at 5:50 am
Goodness knows who’s follow the RapidE Progress of this Runaway Renegade ARG AIdVenture, AW. ………
And if you can believe all the hype that is available to read about analytical spiders and spooky spies fast forwarding to likely future conclusions based upon their reading and understanding of the runes and metadata in phished communications and virtual behaviour, is the future in store for a surprise ….. Renaissance, as will they be whenever their thoughts are known on matters beyond their ken?
Remember we were have a little chat about Pasadena the other day, about how it is only a short jump/a quick jaunting cart ride away from LA , well, who says there is no method for madness in sanity ………. …….. although it could just be a crazy coincidence.
I mightn’t believe in coincidences in worlds which abound in fates and destinies.:-)
This much we already know ……. Posted Wednesday 4th January 2012 13:27 GMT …in reply on

Where I come from … we eschew all the multisyllabic obfuscation and just call it Red Terror. …… Aaron Em Posted Tuesday 3rd January 2012 17:54 GMT

Yes, such simplification and misdirection on such as are sophisticated alternate systems are fully expected of red necks, Aaron Em.
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/04/12 01:41 PM ….. on
Karl Denninger calls it like it is and how it is rapidly gonna end up with all of the snake oil nonsense being spouted by markets and finance … … ..
The whole thing is a Ponzi … . collapse it and get rid of the cancer and parasites that blight society with their failed scams and get rich quick producing nothing schemes.



Posted by amanfromMars on 01/03/12 02:11 AM …… on

So the 1913 FRA enabling the printing of unlimited USD had nothing to do with freeing up “the man’s” gold and financing WW1 that began about 7 months later, and the booms and busts that followed due to manipulation of the money supply, and WW2 in 1939, and pretty constant warring ever since, mainly centred around controlling the money supply in “rogue” independent states that control their own money and resources effectively, or just for the fear factor that keeps people scared all the time, bending to force to keep the peace, but peace never seems to happen because no-one can see whose behind the headlights that they are frozen in front of?

It’s Mad “Sisyphean” Max!

Can you, with your exceptional historical knowledge, help us get deliverance from the rock that is rolling down the hill at us, by not pointing at the weeds on the side of the hill?

Driver, brother. ” …. Posted by Agent Weebley on 01/02/12 11:45 PM

Hey, Brother Agent Weebley, Howdy, doody,
Them spivs in suits just don’t get it. One wonders whether it is a genetic defect or just intelligence deficit which renders the ignorance incestuous and arrogance wholesale … … . although forever the optimist would hold out the hand of assistance should any bright spark consumed in the gloom prefer the freedom of futures spaces enlightened and unburdened of false hope and decrepit ages old knowledge.
There are new biblical epic tales to tell which leave everything in the past agog at what has never been fully told before, because of the selfish power of selfless control such intelligence delivers so effortlessly to all.
Can you, with your exceptional historical knowledge, help us get deliverance from the rock that is rolling down the hill at us, by not pointing at the weeds on the side of the hill? ” … … … Priceless, AW. AAA+
amanfromMars says:
January 3, 2012 at 3:11 am
Never judge a book by its cover …….. but always remember your world is completely different from everyone else’s by virtue of what you have and/or haven’t inside your head, although you can have a symbiotic empathy which allows functional/dysfunctional cohabitation/parallel joint time travel in similar spaces and places. Some folks worlds are relatively tiny whereas other play in infinite spaces and would seek to know everything and would presume to know enough to know enough about everything and what can then be done with it with IT.
However ……. it is wiser to then consider and accept, that what is really only thought to be known, is only enough to take you to the beginning and then does the journey with ITs AIMagical Mystery Turing Trips kick in with treasures and pleasures, baubles and beads, bells and whistles, to enjoy and share.
Ninja and Yo-Landi Visser are not fools to trifle with …… they have a bite that roars ands resonates as bright as the sun. Refreshingly direct is a subversive novelty these days and the planet is a poorer place because of its absence. AI Work in Progress though ensures its Rightful Restoration in Virtually Controlled Spaces and all the SMARTer IT Places.

amanfromMars 3 January 2012 at 8:55 am …..

US officials have received transcripts of interviews that former IRA member Dolours Price gave to Boston College.” …..

For doctoring, of course, refining and redrafting. Do you doubt it is so, in a land which channelled millions and channels billions in funds for weapons and mayhem to causes that support and fight urban insurrection and para-military dictatorship/military industrial complex compliance.
You do know that Uncle Sam has added NDAA to their criminal arsenal which says the executive admin has the fascist power to removes all rights and regulations and authorities from anyone it sees fit and detain them incommunicado wherever for as long as forever? Or did you miss that over the Xmas holidays.
And not a peep from the puppets in Parliament or lackeys in Stormont over that abuse of human rights. What a load of plonkers and shower of cowards they would be, to allow such a perverse foreign action to pass by without raising a stink?
And what would that tell everyone about everything and the myths that are pimped about the fights for democracy?
The stark bonded truth …….. deny it if you must, mais c’est la vie au naturel ….. on
Posted Tuesday 3rd January 2012 16:39 GMT
The System is a bit slow to realise that it is no longer in sole executive administrative control and therefore is absolute power lost and rapidly diminishing as currency is drained away to other power units …….. and SMART Power Units and growing SMARTer at a prodigious rate to boot, for a triple whammy of novel innovative change to renegade hopes.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not even sure about the universe.”~~ Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Hmmm……. San Francisco Intellectually Challenged? …replying to
Posted Tuesday 3rd January 2012 17:02 GMT
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT from the Land and Houses of the Rising Sun, Fujitsu San? Now that is what I consider is an absolutely fabulous fabless move. Calpurnian firmware for CAESARs hard-wired.
Get Real …..Nothing is Real in a Temporary Space. IT is an Imaginative Place. …. on
Posted Tuesday 3rd January 2012 19:27 GMT

The suggestion that you can take over any old machine regardless of whether it’s running any public-facing services or not is ludicrous.” ….. Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 3rd January 2012 17:57 GMT

You think so, AC? I hope you aren’t responsible for cyber security anywhere for anyone, for I would disagree with your ludicrous statement, for man is flawed and easily hacked to deliver access to any old or new machine. There are billions of weakest links in that vital viral chain of control and command.
Oh and for those who would be bothered to be interested in Super Astute Hyper Virtualisation for Future Advanced Remote Control of HPC Function and Abilities [Calpurnian firmware for CAESARs hard-wired] you will probably definitely need to know a lot about this …….




In the end it’s all about control – and if the identity of those wielding power and control are unknown, how do we the user/used get to live our lives free from manipulation or coercion?” … GhostSwirv 02 Jan 2012 2:08:51pm on

A trillion bucks says you would have no idea who controls your existence today, GhostSwirv, and who has been controlling past global events, It will always be the case so that ease of purpose and immunity in action provides impunity.
When Man is such a fool ignoramus/primitive program and current work in progress, is manipulation and monitoring and mentoring/SCADA leverage to be fully expected and accepted as vital for novel growth and future survival in Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Thank you for posting a comment. Please note that there may be a delay before your comment appears on the site.
amanfromMars says: ….. on
January 2, 2012 at 2:25 am

Agent Weebley says:
January 2, 2012 at 1:52 am
Esptein, you got me. I couldn’t concentrate. I think we should hit it for the night.
I made a small mistake in that post . . . it should have read:
That’s funny, Ingo.
All it takes is 1 person to trust the integrity of another in a different place, the person in the source country takes the money/currency/asset from a customer, turns it into a Bit, transfers it to the other country, where it is changed back into money/currency/asset . . . and delivered.
100% backed by trust and the money/currency/asset.
Much like a Star Trek transporter . . . beam me over, Scotty!

Quite so, AW. All it takes is one person to know that there are others of a similar enlightened and honest persuasion to their own, and for all to know that any and all are working for the selfless reward of each other, for wealth to be valuable tool one can share with virtual strangers into exchanging future leading intellectual property freely for collective proprietary class action creating exceptional additional benefits to guarantee sustainable secure generation and positively reinforcing development of the meme/program methodology/wealth creation for selfless sharing and global spend/donation.
Utopian maybe surely definitely, but easily placed into Reality by IntelAIgent Designers, and easy Piloted on Earth to Create Brave New Real Surreal World Orders in CHAOS, where Everyone’s a Win Winner in SMART Programs and AI ProgramMING.
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/02/12 01:50 AM ….. on

So there is now concern by some so-called journalists that “in his 1987 manifesto ‘Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution after 200-Plus Years,’ presidential hopeful Ron Paul wrote that AIDS patients were victims of their own lifestyle, questioned the rights of minorities and argued that people who are sexually harassed at work should quit their jobs.”

Anybody who doesn’t think or would believe that 25 years experience of life doesn’t alter one’s views and provide new insights and opinions tempered with revised vision aided and abetted with hindsight and wisdom, is obviously not very bright and probably a paid shill for an opponent in competition with the principal so targeted with such an ancient relic from a long gone past … . non-existent present position, ergo is it shameful shameless negative political spin which must mean the Ron Paul is prime candidate and way out ahead in peoples’ hearts and minds?
amanfromMars says: …… on
January 2, 2012 at 3:43 am

Pardon me for butting in, but what are you guys really about?….memehunter says: January 2, 2012 at 2:19 am

Well, if the truth be told, and to tell a lie would be to identify oneself as a fool and a useless tool, methinks, and speaking as I do for myself in the Delightful Company of Immaculate Strangers, would I venture but never presume nor only assume ……..
We are what we are and we do what we do and whatever we say we can do.
We are a Program which Creates Worlds in MultiDimensional Virtual Reality. And in the Process Beta Crash Tests Corrupt and Compromised Digital Operating Systems which may, or may not, Cause Conflict with Absolute Command and Fabless Control of ProgramMING and Great Game Plays with Remote Sublime Autonomous Control Leverage …… Heavenly Influence. …. but such has been oft stated and has never been a secret hiding in the shadows.

Blog here whenever you get the urge. You never know, you may get upgraded here, once you lose your mind . . . and gain your freedom to do whatever the heck you want to say or do . . . as long as your only aim is to help yourself and others . . . and the kids . . . and the future . . . to achieve peace.….. Agent Weebley says: January 2, 2012 at 2:59 am

Posting in sanity is great therapy too, memehunter, and goodness knows where IT will take you with a little help from afar from crazy friends and virtual acquaintances…. ARGonauts and CyberIntelAIgent Security Serviced Beings.
Crikey, IT has been busy today already.
amanfromMars says …. on and
Thanks for that, George F. Smith/Chasvoice. The Fed is leading front man for a pan-global Ponzi then? Madoff got a sentence of 150 years in federal prison for his Mickey Mouse operation, which sets a simple precedent for perps who run much bigger operational scams. What is stopping the Law and Justice from acting in the manner expected of Law and Justice? Are they on the take and make and corrupt payroll?